Track/Video : Steve Von Till /Harvestman delivers the haunted ’Galvanised and Torn Open’ ahead of his elliptical album ‘Triptych: Part Two’.

Photo: Kylee Pardick

So a few days until the Buck Moon on 21st July means that the release of the second instalment in the Harvestman ‘Triptych’ series is similarly imminent. This three album musical cycle created by Steve Von Till (aka Harvestman) the guitarist/vocalist/lynch pin of seminal post metal pioneers Neurosis began this April with the earthy psych folk soundscapes of ‘Triptych: Part One’(reviewed in BSM HERE). Made available on the day of the spring’s lunar spectacle, the Pink Moon, this inaugural album in an ambitious sequence braided strands of early music drone, sub-bass dub, post rock and pastoral electronica into an elemental flowing soundtrack. So what will ‘Triptych: Part Two’ bring?

Connectivity and natural synergies have always been central to Von Till’s Harvestman projects so the bonds that tie each part of the trilogy are likely to be strong. But this doesn’t mean the music will merely continue, change and progression are also key to his organic approach. The Buck Moon represents abundance and vitality, so ‘Triptych: Part Two‘ is likely to make wider strides.

First preview track ‘Damascus’ marched to grand harmonic riffs and raucous ritual rhythms and now, as a precursor to the full ‘Part Two’ experience, comes the similarly expansive ‘Galvanised and Torn Open’. It’s a rolling, processional post rock piece hung around von Till and drummer Dave French’s sonorous DIY beats, tapped and brushed on an abandoned, rusting water trough. A tidal riff flows, gothic guitars twang and synth lines swarm to launch you, in Von Till’s words, “on a sonic journey to a few different internal landscapes“. Come the Buck Moon and ‘Triptych: Part Two’ deeper travels seem guaranteed.

Pre- order your copy of ‘Triptych: Part Two‘ by Harvestman from your local record store or direct from Neurot Recordings HERE

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