Track: Velociraptor keep ‘Falling’ with another slice of quirky hyperactive indie pop ahead of new album.

After a hiatus, Meanjin/Brisbane band Velociraptor blessed us with the come back single ‘Computer Future Part 1’ back in March (read my review here), and just to prove this was not a flash in the pan, they are back with the quirky ‘Falling’, accompanied by an hilarious video. It precedes the release of the band’s album ‘Computer Future’ due out in November.

‘Falling’ is a jaunty high stepping track filled with a hyperactive bounce. It reminds me to a degree of bands like Franz Ferdinand or Pulp with it’s sardonic humour-tinged delivery and vibrancy, all with an antipodean flavour.

Despite the jaunty demeanour, the song is about darker themes. Songwriter/vocalist Julien James explains:

‘Falling’ is a song about the sinking feeling the heart feels when it’s broken. It’s never ending and it seems to fall forever. It’s repetitive and empty and painful. When the broken-hearted person says ‘I feel like falling’, they in turn fall forever. It’s ironic that the music turned out so positive in comparison to the lyrical concept, but ‘Raptors are good at that. I hope this song fuels a “come up” moment for the broken-hearted. I wrote this one pretty quickly towards the end of the recording process and didn’t think we’d have time to record it, but as always our drummer George picked it up after the first run through and tracked it perfectly in one or two takes. The band spent a good 10 minutes debating over the backing chant – is it “doodoo” or is it “dootdoot”? We landed on “dootdoot” and never turned back.

The accompanying video takes a literal approach which hilariously charts the progress of a clumsy protagonist:

‘Falling’ is out today and available to download and stream here.

Out through Coolin By Sound Records , ‘Computer Future’ is available to pre-order below.

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