Track: Uncle Dave’s Biscuit Barrel – Which One Am Me?  

Hot on the heels of their critically acclaimed debut E.P., comedy thrash-meisters, Uncle Dave’s Biscuit Barrel return with an epic new single in 2024, ahead of the release later this year of a new 5 track E.P.

On the origins of the song, vocalist Mike Trevor tells us,

“This came about during a beer-fuelled band night out in the early 90s. We were in one of our local haunts and well into the evening’s shenanigans when our original bass player, Ady Budd, went off to empty his bladder. Meanwhile, another round was purchased, and the glasses were set down on the already over-laden table. Upon his return, Ady was ready to tuck into more beer and in an attempt for his booze-soaked brain to identify which beer was his, he asked, “Which one am me?” Now, Ady is normally an eloquent fella and, in a state of sobriety, would have gone for the more conventional “which one is mine”, but in his inebriated state, he had inspired a new song and much hilarity. The track was written a couple of weeks later and is an absolute banger. It has remained both a band and fan favourite for

Thunderous riffing and demonic vocals, all wrapped in a charming crash of hilarity metal brilliance. These guys aren’t a token comedic band but are hugely impressive in their music ability and songwriting craft. They just think out the box when it comes to lyric writing.

Check it out, here

Find out more via the bands Website or Facebook

Read our interview with the band here

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