Track: Nate Bergman – Deep End

Nashville-based Nate Bergman has shared his new single, ‘Deep End.’ The acoustic track features Bergamn on vocals and guitar, with bass duties competently handled by The Raconteurs’ Jack Lawrence. The track was captured in one take live to 2-inch tape with no digital editing. It was produced by Andrija Tokic (Alabama Shakes, Margo Price) and Bergman at The Bomb Shelter studio in Nashville.

Bergman shares, 

“The song is about facing the consequences of diving head-first into any risky situation in life. Whether it’s the gamble of a new relationship, moving to a new city, or pursuing your dreams in any fashion. It’s about the results of things not going as planned. Getting caught up in the potential future of that situation and having it not work out. That’s such a ubiquitous part of the human experience. Things eventually always get better, but the song’s vibe is about sitting at the rock bottom and realising you’re too deep to turn back.” 

When you have a voice as good as Bergman’s, it’s unfair also to be able to write a track as good as this one. But life is unfair and lucky for us; Bergman is willing to share his talent for our listening pleasure. Nate Bergman is a name you will know very soon. This guy deserves to be bigger.

Check it out, here

Find out more via Bergman’s Website or Facebook

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