Track: Kurokuma – Crux Ansata

Psych trio Kurokuma have shared their second single from their upcoming new album ‘Of Amber and Sand’. While their Sanford Parker-recorded debut, ‘Born of Obsidian’ dug deep into the ancient history of Mesoamerican civilisations, ‘Of Amber and Sand’ is based on the colossal concept of time, each track dealing with a different facet of temporality and eternity, probing its significance to creation, civilisation and the human experience.

Drummer Joe Allen comments on their new single ‘Crux Ansata’, 

“Crux Ansata is the Coptic name of the Egyptian ankh, or symbol of life. Lyrically it’s based on the idea that we are born and given a certain amount of time to work with, and this time is the one thing that we can’t give away to others or take more of for ourselves. It’s the most precious thing we have because once it’s gone, everything is gone, and we have no way of replenishing it. We can make healthy choices etc, avoid danger, but in the end we can’t control it and we only have as much as we have. And it’s this idea that everyone is born rich with it, yet at the end of our lives even the most wealthy and powerful person cannot take anymore to extend theirs, whilst a poor infant is still luxuriously rich with it.”

Featuring the band’s brand of demented vocals and menacingly heavy music, Crux Ansata is more of a physical force than sound waves, such is the weight the track hits you with. Zakk Wells beats out some low bass riffing as guitarist/singer Jacob Mazlum brings some Eastern promise with his extended solo. As a trio, this is a huge deluge of sound.

Check it out, here

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