Track: John Myrtle – We’re Tearing The Heart Out of Love

Rae O’Sullivan

Following on from previous single ‘How Do you Break A Heart?‘ John Myrtle shares new single ‘We’re Tearing The Heart Out Of Love’ mixed by Cut Worms (AKA Max Clarke) after hearing the song while on tour together. The new release ‘We’re Tearing The Heart Out Of Love’ returns to the home-produced, to-tape recording style that marked his acclaimed 2021 debut mini-album ‘Myrtle Soup’, albeit with a slicker, more polished veneer.

Speaking more about the track, John says:

“‘We’re Tearing the Heart Out of Love’ was a song I produced at home to tape. I wanted to write a song that took place in the throes of an argument between two lovers but really they both want to work it out. I like writing slice of life songs a lot of the time – probably because I record them usually in a domestic setting!! Max AKA Cut Worms heard the song on the tour I did with him a couple of months ago, and wanted to mix it for me ..and also plays the xylophone at the end.”

Gentle flowing acoustic pairs well with Myrtle’s bittersweet vocals. Bright melodies clash with the heartfelt cloud of depression in the lyrics leaving a track that is in true Myrtle style of folky brilliance. Perfect backing harmonies and melodic guitar work take the track to another level and make it a hugely listenable track

Check it out, here

Find out more via Myrtle’s Facebook

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