Track: Brigitte Bardini is no ‘Fool’ as she unveils another ethereal track that positively glows with intensity.

There’s almost an operatic gloss to singer/songwriter Brigitte Bardini‘s vocals in her dreamy new single ‘Fool’: a floating and ethereal delivery above an aquatic bubbling instrumental that is cool and urbane. There is a sixties laid back quality to the track with the arpeggiated strings that swell in the distance – a song to be played in a convertible E-type Jaguar driving through the Italian alps in the summertime.

The aching melancholy is threaded throughout with Bardini describing the track as a captivating admission of loneliness in the face of abandonment. Bardini continues to distinguish herself from a crowded field – her songs have a distinctive feel infused with a ghostly, theatrical element, studied and poised, redolent of artists like Portishead or Air:

Out through Ruby Valley records, ‘Fool’ is out today and you can download and stream here. It comes off Bardini’s forthcoming album, ‘Blue Tigers’. Bardini will be supporting Gecko in Melbourne on Friday, 18 October – tickets available here.

Previous EP Review: The radiant Holly Hebe releases the gorgeous EP 'Ruby', cementing her place as one of the most exciting indie pop artists around.
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