Tallinn Black Nights Review: A Vanishing Fog

The Sumapaz Páramo is the largest stretch of alpine tundra ecosystem in the world. This huge swath of Andean moorland is located in the Altiplano Cundiboyacense near the Columbian capital. It’s an ecologically rich and wonderfully biodiverse area which provides water for the inhabitant of Bogota. It’s considered to be a sacred place by the Muisca indigenous peoples due to its connection with the divine forces of creation. It provides the setting for A Vanishing Fog.

The remoteness and harshness of the landscape has resulted in the Sumapaz becoming a popular smuggling route and refuge for criminals. On the boundaries of the law and seemingly the known human world, it is left up to F (Sebastian Pii), his father and other native tribe members to defend their home from the incursions of the outside world. Dealing with the daily dangers which stalk the mountainside.

A Vanishing Fog is a strange and lyrical portrait of life on the very edge of the world. It’s in many ways a mystery. One which slowly reveals itself but never quite gives away too much. That’s part of its charm. That and Gio Park’s breath-taking cinematography. It’s an experience like no other and one which envelops those within its landscape. With A Vanishing Fog, director Augusto Sandino creates something profound, ephemeral and organic.

A Vanishing Fog screens at Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival.

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