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Willem Dafoe

Whilst Willem Dafoe has a distinct look, his ability as an actor has often been overlooked. However, his Best Supporting Actor nomination for The Florida Project this year was the third Oscar he’s been up for (the other two were Shadow of a Vampire and Platoon). His most iconic roles have probably come in films …

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Slowly but surely, virtual reality is beginning to seep into wider society, schools and work places. As the price of a headset continues to fall and the technology employed in the software advances at pace, it’s only a matter of time until VR becomes a normal part of our everyday lives. As with many things, …

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Paul Schrader’s name will forever be part of Hollywood folklore. The American director, screenwriter and film critic has been a part of some of the greatest films of the twentieth century. He worked with Scorsese on Taxi Driver, The Last Temptation of Christ, Raging Bull and Bringing Out the Dead. As a director, he’s best …

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