Tom Waits

Album Review: Jesus & The Groupies punch out amazing 5th long-player
Brazilian garage punk-blues duo, Marco Butcher and Luis Tissot (aka Jesus & The Groupies) have released their fifth album of frenetic craziness upon the world. Despite having never heard of this pair before, I listened with eager anticipation……the band’s name was intriguing in itself, so what would the music hold for me? 12 songs of …

Not Forgotten: Tom Waits – Mule Variations
Mule Variations starts with what sounds like a rhythmically capable panel beater knocking seven bells out of a steel filing cabinet with hammers, and it gives you a glimpse of what Tom Waits had been doing in the seven years since the release of Bone Machine. As an album, the deconstructed blues of Mule Variations …

List – Jaw-dropping debut albums
The debut album, by it’s very definition is a crucial album for any act, as it’s success or failure will inevitably dictate their future success. Sure, the act may have scored a few hit singles, or maybe had a few well-received EPs, or even a mini-album, but it’s that crucial full length debut which counts. …
Not Forgotten: Tom Waits – Rain Dogs
Sinister, mad and disturbing old Tom. By the mid 80s he was ploughing a furrow that nobody could follow, not because they didn’t want to, but because they weren’t sure how stable the earth was that Tom was ploughing. But on he ploughed, churning out sea shantys, burnt out blues and insane polkas. He just …
Throughout his career Tom Waits has made his reputation for being a wilful and wayward force of creativity in music. His reputation is legendary, his output is revered by his peers and if anything, he’s become increasingly uncompromising as his career has progressed. As a result of this his best known albums like Heart Attack …