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The Heliocentrics

IT’S FAIR to say that losing your drummer – the man who pins it down for you, keeps it ticking, grounded, makes sure the groove is strong – is a hell of a blow. And to lose your drummer to a sudden and untimely death, if you’re a psych power trio – well, that’s a …

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WELL, there’s a proper getting together of headz, lads. This is gonna be fun, no doubt about that. Nottingham’s garage-psychesters Little Barrie have decided to get some infused-sugarcube groove on in the studio and lay down an album with none other than Heliocentrics’ guru Malcolm Catto. Electric music for the mind and body, for sure. …

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THE HELIOCENTRICS have been working away on a rarified astral plane of musical fusion for more than a decade and a half now – and frankly, if you’re a crate-digger on any kind of level, whose musical tastes range multifariously, they’re the kind of band whose wax should be sat in that little favoured stack …

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