The Double Happiness

Premiere: The Double Happiness take a refreshing stop at the ‘Roadhouse’: a wild west refuge filled with reverb, poignancy and epic widescreen poetry, and announce album launch date.
We have long admired the inherent joie de vivre and creativity of Brisbane’s The Double Happiness and are overjoyed to be able to bring you an exclusive early listen to their new album ‘Roadhouse’, along with brief, sometimes cryptic, sometimes hilarious, comments by the band on each track. The release is unavoidably imbued with an …

Premiere: The Double Happiness create their own unique antipodean spaghetti western surf genre in their evocative new single ‘Smoking Gun’, and announce launch date.
Brisbane’s The Double Happiness have provided an endless source of brilliant shimmering sounds like no other band over the past few years, carving out a distinct sun-kissed brand of jangle that resonates and captures the sea salt encrusted radiant shores of coastal Queensland. We are ever so honoured to premiere their new single, ‘Smoking Gun’: …

Premiere: The Double Happiness release single Oysters Can Dream and announce new album and launch gig
Brisbane’s The Double Happiness are premiering their delicious new single ‘Oysters Can Dream’ on Backseat Mafia today, and it is another fine example of the reverb-soaked dreamy soundscapes this band are so excellent at delivering. Twanging, jangling guitars and vocal harmonies evoke sea spray splashes on bright sunny waterfronts and the briny delights of open …

New Track: The Double Happiness – There’s No Place Like Nundah
Cloaked with the faded robes of nostalgia, a peon to the glories of an old forgotten Brisbane, the new single from the quite frankly glorious The Double Happiness is a crystalline reverb-soaked wash of melancholia. It captures the remembrance of the past over a clickety-clack spine that echoes the trams so missed in the lyrics. …

Track: The Double Happiness – City (EP)
The sun keeps on streaming out of Queensland with the release of The Double Happiness EP ‘City’ today. We gave an enthusiastic review of the debut single (also called ‘City’) last month and there’s always that twinge of concern as to whether whether the single is a diamond in a sea of coal. It makes …