Posts in tag
Terminal Cheesecake

Say Psych: Playlist 24/2016
A real mixed bag of new music here on Psych Insight this week. I hadn’t heard any of these tracks a week ago and am thrilled to have listened to them now. So just dive in and enjoy what’s new… The Vanishing Earth Pt III by Tranquonauts Tranquonauts is an album featuring a collaboration …

Say Psych: Album Review, Dandelion Sauce of the Ancients by Terminal Cheesecake
Fans of 1980s/90s psychedelia will no doubt be aware of Terminal Cheesecake, a band so in your face that not even a death mask would stop them from giving you serious attitude; one of those bands who always seemed to be on the edge sometimes tipping over in to the abyss of inaccessibility. Well hold onto …