Say Psych: Premiere, Loomis by The Band Whose Name Is A Symbol
OK here’s the thing, every year we hope against all hope that this year is going to be a great year for music. I’m pretty convinced that 2016, for all its issues elsewhere, has been a bloody fine one when it comes to psychedelic sonic adventures. A key ingredient of this for me was …

Say Psych: The Band Whose Name Is A Symbol 3LP Box Set
The Band Whose Name Is A Symbol (TBWNIAS) is a band that I first came across last year when Cardinal Fuzz released ‘Masters of the Molehill’, apparently the band’s ninth album. Such was it’s impact on me that within a couple of weeks it was on our list of essential albums for 2015. Little did …

Say Psych: Album Review, TBWNIAS Live 2010 Dominion Tavern
If you are reading this chances are that you love genuinely independent music (not the sort that is passed off as independent by big corporations), and support bands, labels and others who love to promote music for music’s sake and not to feed a business machine. Part of this eco-system are countless numbers of radio …

Album Review: The Band Whose Name Is A Symbol – ‘Masters Of The Mole Hill’
‘Masters of the Mole Hill‘ is the 9th LP by TBWNIAS – The Band Whose Name Is A Symbol, perhaps Cana-duh’s best kept secret. Last year’s ‘Pathfinder’ opus, introduced to the baying UK pack by Cardinal Fuzz, rightly left the uninitiated salivating for more – ‘Masters of the Mole Hill’ consummates that fevered tryst. ‘Masters of the …