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ALBUM REVIEW: Kelly Lee Owens – ‘Inner Song’: leftfield tronica beauty soars

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By Ryan Jameson Weaver Los Angeles synth-pop trio Mood Robot (Jenny Helms, Alex Kazenoff, Ben Kazenoff), have been steadily releasing a sleek catalog of one-off velvet gems for the past year or so with each release giving us more awareness to their acuity of making PBR&B saccharine cuts. Their newest single, Drip, furthers this testament …

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  Macaulay Hopwood, Roberta Fidora and Camille Philips are CURXES and they’re based on the South coast of England. Their sound has been likened to “The sound of two robots f*cking”. Clearly, they’re our kind of band. CURXES talk to Nina Fritsch about their influences, their new LP and random budgie heads. One of the …

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Not much is known about Brooklyns Mother, at least by us. What we do know is that they released Easy onto their soundcloud page a couple of months ago and it promptly got over 200k plays. And there’s a reason for that. Its because its this warm, shimmering piece of arty synth pop, laden with …

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