Posts in tag
sparkle hard
Album Review : Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks’ ‘Sparkle Hard’
I think it’s safe to say that Stephen Malkmus the solo artist has outlived the legend of Stephen Malkmus the dude in Pavement. His output with Pavement, which lasted between 1992 and 1999, was five Pavement records, several singles, and two Silver Jews albums(I’m sure there were one-offs here and there.) From 1999 on Malkmus …
Track: Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks Ready New Album ‘Sparkle Hard’; Stream New Track “Refute”
Whenever Stephen Malkmus readies a new album there’s always a sense of mystery, aloofness, or general malaise about what he’s doing. A new record seems to hold as much interest to him as buying groceries, picking up the kids from school, or having an afternoon cup of tea. Still, you can’t help but get a …