Signature Entertainment

Film Review: Betrayed
While every country which was occupied by the Nazis during World War II collaborated and accepted German authority to differing extents, not many (if any) came out of looking particularly good. Much of this has been lost, or more likely buried, in history. Norway is no exception. The Wehrmacht arrived in April 1940 and left …

Film Review: The Final Stand
As 1941 rolled on, it looked almost inevitable that Hitler’s seemingly inexorable march eastwards would ensure victory over the Western part of the Soviet Union. By October, the Wehrmacht had its sights trained squarely on Moscow. This battle would eventually change the course of World War II and the Red Army’s defence was desperate. With …

Film Review: Rams
Sam Neill is one of a rare breed of actor who seems to make everything better. He is a reassuring presence and even when he pops up on social media, usually on his farm, the Kiwi brings happiness and joy to many. He’s had a surprisingly eclectic career, from big blockbusters such as Jurassic Park …

Film Review: Daniel
Hostage-taking has played an important role in warfare since time immemorial. Providing an easy way to raise funds quickly, a bargaining chip for any negotiations and a way to guarantee someone’s compliance. It’s still widespread in many places around the world, but the focus is usually on conflict zones. Most recently, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria. …

Film Review: Deliver Us from Evil
Cat and mouse thrillers often provide some of the most engrossing cinematic experiences. The battle of wits. The oscillating power struggle between two protagonists. Blurring the lines between good and evil. These elements combine to create nail-biting action. This concept has been embraced warmly in Asian cinema, with the likes of I Saw the Devil, …

Film Review: Jiu Jitsu
To say that Nicolas Cage is prolific would be a profound understatement. Since 2015 he has starred in well over twenty films. It’s almost impossible to keep up. As you’d expect with these kinds of numbers, the quality control isn’t exactly great. The once Oscar-winning actor has garnered a reputation for making bad films. More …

Film Review: Possessor
The film industry is full of examples of talent being passed down through generations. That and a healthy slab of nepotism which seems to run rife within the bubble of Hollywood. Whilst Brandon Cronenberg is very much a chip off the block, and his style undeniably owes a lot to father David, he is beginning …

Film Review: Concrete Plans
Britain today, as a society, has come a long way in a relatively short time. Whilst the gap between the rich and the poor continues to grow, the class system is gradually eroding. However, whilst being born into the landed gentry will still afford you privilege, that doesn’t necessarily equate to having money; even if …

Film Review: A Call to Spy
It should go without saying, but when it comes to wars, terrorism and conflicts intelligence is key. Good intel is often the difference between victory or defeat. The difference between life and death for hundreds of thousands of people. The role Bletchley Park played in the Allies winning World War II is well-documented, but the …

Film Review: Honest Thief
Liam Neeson is not a man you want to get on the wrong side of. Despite being almost seventy, the Northern Irish actor seems to attract trouble. If Eastern Europeans aren’t kidnapping his wife or daughter then he’s stopping terrorists, wrestling wolves or snowplowing his way to revenge. Over the last decade he has become …