Robert Pollard

SEE: Guided by Voices’ ‘Haircut Sphinx’
THERE’S every chance that by the time you’ve finished reading this sentence Guided By Voices will have recorded and released their next three albums, such is their legendary work ethic and productivity. I don’t recall reading a single feature on Robert Pollard which hasn’t focused on this incredible feat of industriousness (107 albums and counting); …

Album Review: Guided by Voices – Space Gun
What the hell is that noise? Oh never mind, here’s a very Guided by Voices by riff… and here’s another one overlaying it, and then we’re in to Space Gun. After just the blink of an eye, Guided by Voices are once again back and sounding in fine fettle, and “Space Gun” as a song …

Album Review – Guided by Voices – Cool Planet
Guided by Voices are one of those acts where I genuinely cannot remember where or when I first heard their name, but I’ve known it for a while now. I guess he first time they registered on my radar as anything more than just a name, was about nine years ago when a Canadian friend …