reading and leeds festival

Meet: DMAs at Leeds Festival
BM So have you just got to the festival? DMAs We arrived last night from London on the tour bus and then just woke up here nice and early, it’s a beautiful morning. BM Have you had a chance to have a look around the festival or anything? DMAs Yeah yeah we have! BM So …

Live Review: Leeds Festival Sunday plus Gallery
The final day of a festival is always bittersweet but you still have that last bit of adrenaline to push you through. Our final day at Leeds started with a little hiccup so we didn’t manage to catch any bands until mid afternoon but what a great first act of the day to choose in …

Festival Preview: Leeds Festival 2022 – Saturday
Day two of the festival is always a party, you’re hyped from day one, maybe a little tired but just stoked for whats to come. Here are our ten to see on Saturday at Bramham Park MAIN STAGE EAST Frank Carter and the Rattlesnakes: Special guests for Saturday at Leeds are British heavyweights Frank Carter …