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With a flurry of singles over the last few years, which have gone onto amass more than 11.5 million streams online, received national radio play, and found support from a plethora of online tastemakers, emerging Irish singer and songwriter Lucy McWilliams will follow up her recent release ‘The Woman In Me’ (demo) with a brand new offering – ‘Medication’ (demo) on June 10th. Following her ground-breaking performances …

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What is roots music? Well Cochemea Gastelum’s earthy new album, ‘Vol II: Baca Sewa’ out via Daptone from 16th July, would pretty much nail it if you’re searching for definitives. Roots has nothing to do with retro, it’s not about seeking to sound like the past, it’s about connection and inspiration, exploring a personal heritage …

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Shipping Forecast is the solo project of John Copley, the guitarist in Hull’s aggressive post-punks La Bete Blooms. But don’t get blown off course (you see what I did there, right) in thinking this will follow a similar voyage (I know, sorry), as Copley flexes his R&B chops, trading instead in altered soulful vocals, over …

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