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Album Review: Spitting Image – Full Sun

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The four band members of Witch Fever looking at the camera

Manchester’s Witch Fever have released a video for ‘Bully Boy‘. The inspiration came from The Witch Trials but seen through the lens of drag queens and CBeebies. Uncompromising and violent in parts but presented in a cartoonish style. Bold and completely over the top, no-one was harmed in the making of this video as it …

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Scene in the Steen household at the end of another day at the coal face. “Hi dear, did you slay the masses again with your angular post punk tunes”? Charlie: Yep! And did you crowd surf amongst your adoring fans? Charlie: Yes, I did! And did you get your top off on stage again? Charlie: …

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If you’ve ever wondered, and to be fair it’s extremely unlikely, what Harry Enfield’s 80’s creation, Stavros, would look like fronting a doom metal band, then look no further than Pigsx7. Lead singer, Matthew Baty, resplendent in a t-shirt proclaiming, “Find What Feels Good” and a very natty pair of “pig-dragon” shorts, prowls the stage …

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We’re in for a very different night tonight; with support from July Jones & Sizzy Rocket, this self funded, predominantly ladies & LGBTQ+ event is definitely one of a kind. The smaller than expected audience turns this into the intimate gig that we didn’t know we needed. Both Sizzy Rocket and July Jones have to …

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As the lights dim for a sold out first night of the tour for Punk Rock Factory, the atmosphere in the room rises, filling the o2 Academy’s 3rd room from floor to ceiling. The nervous welsh four piece walk on stage in front a personalized LED light of their logo ready to give it their …

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Ferocious Dog proudly release their new album ‘The Hope’ on vinyl, through Graphite Records. (Read our review here) The album is available on limited edition green vinyl from the band’s store and marbled vinyl from independent retailers, exclusively with a signed print from Recordstore;  The album is also available on traditional black vinyl. Upon initial release in …

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Rise Against are more familiar with playing the hallowed main stage at Donington as opposed to the small basement confines of an intimate club in Leeds. This, however, is going to be epic and one for the history books, 50% of Rise Against have made their way across the pond to say hello to a …

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The Pacific Northwest in November is a damp, chilly, and dreary place so if you are going to out at night it better be for a good reason. What’s more, if you going to a concert on a Sunday in November in the Pacific Northwest then it better be a damn good one! Always having …

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Sweden’s Rotten Mind share their new single ‘Serpent Eyes’ which is the first taste of the band’s upcoming fifth album ‘Unflavored’, due 18th March via Lovely records. The Swedish punk rock outfit recently recruited Liz Panella (Earth Girls, Siamese Twins) as their new bass player and have announced a 14 date European tour, supporting their upcoming album. Jakob …

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Words: Max Falvey Pictures: Ian McDonnell // Carl McGrath “I want tequila on the rocks, I want the keys to all the locks, and I never wanna lockdown again!’. With an unrivalled level of swagger and oozing with pandemic angst, Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes began their latest tour in Dublin last night, promoting their …

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