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Premiere: Naarm/Melbourne Twin Sisters, Idol Minds, Enchant with ‘Needed You’ – A Mystical Odyssey Through the Intricacies of Love

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Live Review: The Sweet Success of Gumball 2023! Dashville NSW 23.04.23

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Track: frtyfve Records Signing bby ivy Shares Addictive New Single ‘Losing Sleep’

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Oh, Be Clever are a bit of a new discovery for us. Not their fault, more ours. Turns out the Salt Lake City duo, Brittney Shields and Cory Scott Layton make these rather lovely slices of electronic pop. Certainly, River has this buffed gloss about it, complete with clicking guitars and a sheen about the …

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After the debut from Harper made the top slot in my Top 10 EP’s of 2014 list, Harper has returned with brand new music and an incredibly captivating music video to go with it. This is Harpers signature sound in full swing. It’s dark, involving, addictive and powerful. Here is the video for ‘White Lies’, …

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Trevor Powers has the kind of fragility in his voice that when you hear it you feel at any time during a song he may just disappear into thin air. A pin hole leak in a balloon that slowly releases air into the world. Any kind of pressure or pushing will cause a bevy of …

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A few years ago whilst looking through the Glastonbury line-up, trying to decide which acts to see and which I’d have to miss, I stumbled across a little known singer-songwriter called Ed Sheeran. He was playing numerous times over the weekend on various tiny stages. I remembered the name because his song ‘The A Team’ …

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Who didn’t love Lana Del Rey’s breakthrough hit ‘Video Games’? It was unique, sexy and classy. It was unlike anything we had heard, and rightly gave Ms. Del Rey her place on the map, and giving her her first top ten single. Since then, reactions to this sultry singer have been somewhat mixed. Her follow …

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You can learn a lot about Lauren Aquilina from her Twitter bio: “nothing makes me happier than writing sad songs.” She’s continuing that trend with new song ‘Ocean’, which is her latest single and the title of her forthcoming EP. Lauren has had an incredible start to her music career, headlining the BBC introducing stage …

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The rock star’s autobiography is big business these days, but rarely are they as revelatory, or as informative as they could be and even rarer do they actually make for enlightening reading. There are, of course, honourable exceptions. Indeed, both volumes of Julian Cope’s autobiography are wildly entertaining (whether you are actually a fan of …

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Lucy Rose has moved on since the release of her folk fuelled debut album Like I Used To. While her vocals continue to have a distinctly delicate sound anyone who describes new album, Work It Out, in the same way isn’t giving the 26 year old singer-songwriter the credit she’s due. This is an album …

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It’s a rare thing to find an album that is a complete experience, where it’s emotions, themes and atmosphere jump right out of the audio and leave you with the knowledge that you’ve felt something as opposed to just hearing it. The debut album from Halsey is exactly that. There’s going to be artist comparisons …

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The career path of Fleetwood Mac has been a long, complicated and much storied one. Following their Brit-blues-boom beginnings, they enjoyed a flurry of initial success in the UK before band founder Peter Green departed. They would then have difficulty retaining guitar players until American Bob Welch gave them a sense of stability during which …

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