Oliver Laxe

LFF Review: Fire Will Come
Crime and punishment. It’s a tale as old as the hills. You do the crime and pay the time. When you’re released, your slate is wiped clean. Fully rehabilitated and ready to be an active and useful member of society once more. Welcomed back into the community with open arms. Obviously, this hardly ever happens. …

Film Review: Mimosas
Despite the continued smattering of dreadful Christian films which get released every year, religion is hardly a cool subject. This is especially the case in North American cinema. Whether it’s Noah, The Passion of Christ or Risen, it’s all a little bit overblown and worthy. Thankfully, many independent film-makers have a much more innovative, fresh …

Film Review: In The Sky Trembles and the Earth is Not Afraid and the Two Eyes are Not Brothers
Experimental film-makers continually straddle the divide between art and film. Indeed, on many occasions it proves impossible to find where one starts and the other begins. There’s a certain art in appreciating these films which often requires patience and great concentration. Ben Rivers is one of the most renowned exponents in this field. The likes …