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nate bergman

Meet: Nate Bergman; A Bruce Springsteen For The Noughties

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Nashville by way of D.C. singer-songwriter, Nate Bergman has shared a soul-stirring cover of the My Chemical Romance enormo-hit ‘Helena’, twenty years after its original release. Bergman has now put his own distinctive, acoustic spin on it. He even dared to share it with his long-time friend (and My Chemical Romance guitarist) Frank Iero. Bergman produced and recorded the single himself at Icarus …

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What do you get if you cross Bruce Springsteen with Otis Redding? A damn fine artist called Nate Bergman has been wowing audiences in the UK whilst supporting Amigo The Devil on tour. Backseat Mafia found out where he came from, who inspired him and what the future looks like. Give us a potted history …

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Nashville-based Nate Bergman has shared his new single, ‘Deep End.’ The acoustic track features Bergamn on vocals and guitar, with bass duties competently handled by The Raconteurs’ Jack Lawrence. The track was captured in one take live to 2-inch tape with no digital editing. It was produced by Andrija Tokic (Alabama Shakes, Margo Price) and Bergman at The Bomb Shelter studio in …

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Nate Bergman is a man of many voices. Just listen to his album, and you get some raspy folk, country rock god, and even a spot of gospel mixed with a burst of soul. Tonight, Bargman stripped back to just him and a guitar—two guitars, in fact, as he swapped between acoustic and electric for …

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