Mythic Sunship

Album Review : Mythic Sunship’s ‘Upheaval’
Mythic Sunship are a band that waste no time with subtleties. There’s no tip-toeing around whether things are gonna get loud and intense, as you know right as the first song begins to play on any of their albums that things are gonna get pretty damn loud. And pretty damn intense. But that’s not to …

Say Psych: 25 Essential Psych Albums 2016
This is the third year that I have done a list of ‘Essential Psych Albums’ (2014 here/ 2015 here), which has proved to be the most popular thing that I post here on Backseat Mafia. I love end of year lists because they give me a great chance to catch up on things I might …

Say Psych: Playlist 23/2016
These days it seems almost impossible to keep up with all the releases that are coming out constantly during the year. One of the reasons I started doing these playlists was to try and keep up a bit more with what’s out there. This week’s Psych Insight playlist is made up from fifteen tracks from …