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Gallery: Lindsey Stirling at Dr. Phillips Center For The Performing Arts, Orlando,02.08.24

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Not Forgotten: Warren Zevon

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See: Greek Metal Thrashers SENSE OF FEAR release New Video “Unbreached Walls”

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When I left work on Friday evening I was booze-bound, off to meet my Best Man and friends from home via a quick trip to the Tattershall Castle to drink onboard ship in the sunshine. The opening bars of this song are the ones that I wish I had been hearing as I began my …

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There was a time when my enjoyment of electronic pop was maimed by La Roux. It was a combination of finding her hectoring voice irritating, and the music being a little bit too much throwback 80s (either chart music from that period or something like the soundtrack to a spectrum 128K game). Then Paper Crows …

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You can’t fault the timing of Kodaline’s record company. RCA presumably have a bank of eggheads working in a basement somewhere under their New York Headquarters running complex predictive algorithms to check the likely content of the British summer.  They could have just asked someone. The streets of London are full to the fucking brim …

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This is the sort of music that really pushes my buttons. I’m not saying it’s perfect (sorry guys) but when you put guitars, bass, drums and voice together, give them some licence to be loud, and add in songs with pace and hooks, with a classic indie sensibility at the core, I’m in. This is …

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When did listening to music become such a solitary habit for me ? Not since the days of a dreadfully miserable teenager wishing for all his heart to be deemed cool enough to like The Stone Roses and Ride, listening to CNFM103’s indie-heaven-in-a-local-radio-show “Jive Alive” on a black-and-electric-blue double-tape-deck and radio stereo in a darkened room lit only …

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Picture the scene, the Mafia family boxing day celebrations and the brethren gathered from the four corners of the earth (well, Sheffield and London). Various offspring running riot, off their heads on chocolate. All adult males asleep in armchairs with jauntily angled paper hats on. And me, fearlessly tackling my second bottle of red. It’s …

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For me it wasThe Elephants. It was somewhere in Denmark, and they were Danish. They were (outrageously) below the bill than the band I was in, and so I wandered out to watch them, and was instantly blown away. On my return, the first things I did was buy their album, bang onto everyone I …

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