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The ’80s was an era of bright clothing, bizarre haircuts and pop cheesy enough to disturb even the least lactose intolerant (although I don’t remember that existing back then). In an era of political upheaval and social change, there were a number of youth movements reflecting the need of a generation to find their place …

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With all the World Cup excitement it seems as thought football has been dominating most people’s lives over the last few weeks. Football fans are sometimes perceived as mindless idiots, but in Goal of the Dead directors Thierry Poiraud and Benjamin Rocher take that slur to another level. Paris are headed to play an end …

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I’m struck by the thought, after the first five minutes of The Borderlands, that I may be about to watch another sub-par found footage film. It’s a genre which periodically unearths the odd diamond in the rough, but for the most part is littered with the corpses of enthusiastic failures. Thankfully, I had no need …

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