Matthias Schoenaerts

Film Review – Kursk: The Last Mission
Whilst a whole new generation is learning about a nuclear disaster which occurred in the Ukraine in 1986, it’s not the only ‘mishap’ which has been swept under the carpet over the years. Chernobyl highlighted just how far the Soviet regime would go in order to save face and cover-up systematic failures. The Kursk is …

Film Review: Racer and the Jailbird
When it comes to countries with rich cinematic histories, Belgium has never really ranked as a heavyweight. Indeed, much of the best output to come from that portion of the Low Countries has been courtesy of the Dardenne brothers (The Kid with a Bike, Daens, The Promise, Two Days, One Night etc). They’re not the …

DVD Review: Disorder
Diane Kruger and Matthias Schoenaerts will now be familiar faces to English-speaking audiences. Kruger for the likes of Troy, National Treasure and The Bridge and Schoenaerts for A Bigger Splash, Suite Française and The Danish Girl. However, their best work has come in French language films, notably Schoenaerts in Rust and Bone and Bullhead. They …