Matt Costa

Premiere: Matt Costa returns with atmospheric new single ‘The Golden Ghost’
Back in April we shared Matt Costa‘s score for Katabatic Flight, as well as the film itself, indicating a follow-up to 2020’s album Yellow Coat was on the way. This hasn’t materialised yet – Costa probably needs some additional time as he seems to be constantly making something – but what we do have is …

Premiere: Stream Matt Costa’s soaring ‘Katabatic Flight’ score to coincide with film’s release today
Matt Costa likes to keep busy. He’s working on a new record at the moment, the proper follow-up to 2020’s Yellow Coat, which is expected to surface before the end of the year, but it’s not the only thing he’s releasing in 2023. He doesn’t operate like that, so today he’s putting out a film …

ALBUM REVIEW: Matt Costa – ‘Yellow Coat’: an affair of a decade made song
TO BREATHE a little life into an old cliche, I bet my bottom dollar you’d find Matt Costa in the kitchen at parties. He’s that kinda guy. (And this is, of course, totally a compliment). He’s supremely interesting and interested, you can tell; would charm a small and randomly corkscrew-searching bunch of just-mets with wit …

SEE: Matt Costa – ‘Slow’: songwriting swoon full of doowop classicism
MATT COSTA is of that stripe of really gifted songwriters, like Liam Hayes (aka Plush), Andy Shauf, Patrick Watson, Eric Matthews, who quietly whittle away at some very classic songcraft and seduce those who come into their particular clearing in the songwriting forest. He’s following up 2018’s semi-conceptual set Santa Rosa Fangs – an album …