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geno carrapetta

Full of reminiscence and nostalgia for an epic Californian road trip, making memories on the beach.

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Larry Pink the Human consists of Laurie Vincent from the band Slaves and producer Jolyon Thomas. Thomas, whose production credits include M83, U2 and Royal Blood, is exchanging the studio for the stage, and the project is Vincent’s first stab as a lyricist. The idea is to create a space for expression, and exploration of …

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Dorian is Mr Cox, the former guitarist with the Long Blondes, now in Manchester and making a return to releasing music.  A warning though, the Long Blondes this ain’t. It’s not the sound of a stylish indiepop career relaunched. Or a career of any kind really. It sounds like someone who doesn’t give a fuck …

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Former Bullies Stranger

Out next month on Towed By The Ghost records, Former Bullies new album “Stranger” is preceded by a video for the title track. Watch the band play while simultaneously wearing amusing home made hats – an image fitting perfectly with the engagingly shabby lo-fi sound cut through with pop riffs and scratchy shoegaze style harmonies. …

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Emerging from the shadowy backstreets and alleys of Manchester, the hooded figure of Rhys Bloodjoy brings us his debut 7″, Scandinavian Girlfriend / Broken Window. Fraut with tension, almost sinister in its delivery, Bloodjoy utilises the looper to create a stroke of lo-fi genius, that will haunt you long into the night… Scandinavian Girlfriend / Broken …

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By Ryan Jameson Weaver Go Get It, the latest track from Forced Random, is a paramount of tantalizing proportions.  It is an anthemic cut that will pull at your heartstrings with its introspective guise and bring you up with its upward mobility. The slow, thrashing, wall of noise unfolds in front of you like dominoes …

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Sometime Tunabunny drummer Jesse Stinnard has recently released his first record under his Antlered Aunt Lord moniker. Titled Ostensibly Formerly Stunted and released on the HHBTM label, it’s a mixture of his own lo-fi and very much DIY recordings that Stinnard culled from a bank of almost 200. His reputation (locally) as something of eccentric …

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Short and sweet is really the only way to sum up Sand – the new single from Frankie Cosmos. Frankie Cosmos is Greta Kline, a New York native who has been writing songs and self-releasing them on Bandcamp under the pseudonym since late 2011. She released her debut studio album, Zentropy, in 2014 and has …

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It’s been three years since singe songwriter Owem Ashworth released his debut album under his Advance Base moniker, A Shut-Ins Prayer. Since then, he’s been busy on projects including a book of drawings, making beats for Chicago rapper Serengeti, recoding the debut single by psych-folker Mulie Byrne, contributing to Sun Kil Moon’s Beni album, and …

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When The World Was Big, the debut album from lo-fi duo Girlpool, is one of those albums that welcomes you in, makes you feel happy and keeps you pleasantly engrossed right to the very end. As the title suggests, many of the songs take you back to the time we were growing up,  a time …

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