Leeds Festival

News: Get ready for the 2024 festival season!
Bearded Theory Festival – Pic Credit: Andi Callen Photography – All Rights Reserved. As the first frosty mornings of the winter bite hard, the summer festival season seems a long way away. The UK festival season, once dominated by large festivals like Glastonbury, Reading, and Donnington has mushroomed to the extent that now there are …

Live Review: Leeds Festival 2023 – Highlights
Leeds Festival is one of the highlights of the British musical summer calendar, something of a coming of age event for many exam finishers, or those preparing to go to uni or travel the world. It’s a chance for those friends to get together and enjoy the freedom of camping out in Bramham Park to …

Live Review: Leeds Festival (Plus Gallery)
August Bank holiday sees the annual pilgrimage post-GCSE and A level results to the hallowed turf of Bramham park. This year, in an exciting turn of events, sees a big yellow ball in the sky… could we be set for a rain free festival? Friday started with the incredibly talented Hot Milk who have just made …

Live Review: HIMALAYAS – Leeds Festival, 26.08.23
Wales had a good weekend at Leeds Festival. On Saturday it was South Wales turn on the Festival Republic stage, after the Royston Club had kicked things off well for the Celtic contingent the day before. HIMALAYAS more than lived up to that vibe. “Probably best” joked Joe Williams, when I caught up with the …

Meet: DMAs at Leeds Festival
BM So have you just got to the festival? DMAs We arrived last night from London on the tour bus and then just woke up here nice and early, it’s a beautiful morning. BM Have you had a chance to have a look around the festival or anything? DMAs Yeah yeah we have! BM So …

Live Review: Leeds Festival Sunday plus Gallery
The final day of a festival is always bittersweet but you still have that last bit of adrenaline to push you through. Our final day at Leeds started with a little hiccup so we didn’t manage to catch any bands until mid afternoon but what a great first act of the day to choose in …

Live Review: Leeds Festival Saturday plus Gallery
The second day of a festival always has a weird vibe, you’re a little bit hungover but you know you’ve still got two days of amazing music to go. The only way to blow any cobwebs off is getting in a moshpit and sweating it out and the most perfect act to supply the music …

Live Review: Leeds Festival Friday plus Gallery
Descending on Bramham Park (just off the A1) again this year are hoards of music fans ready for a weekend of live music and good vibes. It’s clear that some revellers are celebrating recent GCSE and A-Level results and are using this as a celebration of all the hard work they have done over the …