kevin parker

News: Tame Impala announce a cornucopia of delights for the new year as well as a new breezy single ‘No Chance’
The radiant sunshine from Western Australia includes in one of its incandescent beams the brilliant Tame Impala: those world conquering psychedelic wonders jet propelled by the stupendously talented Kevin Parker. And given it is the festive season, news has just been released that the band will be unleashing a wonder package of gifts for the …

SEE: The Streets’ new single ‘I Wish You Loved You …’
Mike Skinner has released the video for new track “I Wish You Loved You As Much As You Love Him” – the second track to be trailed from his forthcoming mixtape, None Of Us Are Getting Out Of This Life Alive. The foils for Mike’s trademark declamatory delivery come in the dulcet tones of …

Album Review: Tame Impala – Currents
Okay, so I’ve listened to Tame Impala’s excellent new album Currents several times now. Like everyday, twice a day, since last Friday. I can say very confidently that it’s a masterpiece. Kevin Parker has finally decided he no longer has to make albums that sound like they’re being performed by a crusty crew of long-haired, bearded psych …