John Peel

TRACK: Home Counties’ ‘Dad Bod’ – fantastically Peel show awkward squad
IT WOULD seem the Bristol underground scene is in rude health. Last week we had a new download-only only round-up from Dorset boys moved uptown with a whole clutch of stoner psych goodness, Leeches. And now we have a second missive from Brizzle-based guitar shamblers Home Counties: and it’s a cracking, snotty-cuffed slice of John …

From an old record box: The Wedding Present – 2, 3, go
“Ride white horses today ! Buy a red Chevrolet ! Let’s go swim the Zambezi Let’s do it just cos it’s easy !” Fans of Saturnalia and Wedding Present completists may all wonder why I’m so excited about this. ‘2, 3, go’ (catalogue number fry 048) has been around since ’96. It’s well-established in …
From an old record box: Cud – Robinson Crusoe
This was an early glory of my burgeoning (or so I thought) record collection and indie cred. They’d been in Peel’s Festive Fifty the year before (I looked that up this morning – back then I had no idea that Peel’s Festive Fifty existed let alone who Sonic Youth or The Fall were) with “Only …
From an old record box: Grant Lee Buffalo – Buffalondon Live
The early nineties: years of massive change in my listening habits and, really, a first proper awakening to music, fuelled by the powerful indie spirit of both UK and US alternative rock scenes. To be honest though, I probably wouldn’t have known as much about it if it hadn’t been for the huge ambitions of some of …