Joao Selva

Album Review: João Selva- Passarinho : Re-shaping samba soul, funk and pop with a fresh momentum.
The troubadour will travel but they always have roots. Brazilian song-crafter João Selva may have ended up in Lyon but those formative years in Ipanema and Rio is at the heart of his borderless grooves. Schooled in bossa nova and the traditions of Capoeira, steeped in the diasporic riches of Brazilian music and gifted with …

News/Track/Video: Brazilian song-crafter João Selva announces new album ‘Passarinho’ with its soulful title track
Born in Ipanema, schooled in bossa nova and steeped in Capoeira’s heady blend of martial arts, dance and traditional song, João Selva draws from some rich cultural credentials in his music. Add in a willingness to mess with those genre boundaries plus a Bahia to the Caribbean rhythmic sensibility and you get a singer/songwriter on …

Album review: Joao Selva – ‘Navegar’: Latin optimism with endless energy
WELL it looks like the summer vibes may need a little boost this year, so here’s a release that’s set to heat things up. Brazilian troubadour Joao Selva, now based in Lyon, definitely aims to shake us around with his samba infused, funk primed second album, Navegar, available on Underdog records from April 2nd. Born …