
Video: Low release new video for ‘Just Make It Stop’
What’s the point of a music video ? Boosting the appeal and reach of the song, yes ? By shock, by scale, by comedy, by dance move, by stunning artistic vision… Low have released the video for “Just Make It Stop” and it doesn’t really tick any of those boxes – but then I suppose …

Album Review: Mudhoney – Vanishing Point Track by Track
I always had to be cooler than my brother, musically speaking. At just 18 months younger than me there was always this sort of competitive edge to everything we did. I felt in this respect I was always on the front foot. Having comitted several crimes against music in his record buying (slippery when wet/europe …

News: Tom Hickox to join Richard Hawley, Band Of Horse and others at Somerset House ‘Summer Series’
In my day it was called YTS. When you wanted to learn a ‘trade’ like plumbing, or typewriting, or being a zookeeper (probably) or a footballer, you signed up on a course that was part schooling and part learning on the job, and they (the government that is) paid you something like £17.50 per week …

Album Review: British Sea Power – Machineries of Joy track by track
Have British Sea Power really been around a decade? It doesn’t seem that since, shortly after the release of their second album, Open Season I saw them in London, as support for the much missed (in my house anyway) Electric Soft Parade. They wore odd costumes, paraded around the stage on each-others shoulders, made a …

Album Review: The Laurels – Plains
I seem to have been to Australia on a few occasions. Its lovely, and my favourite place has always been Sydney. The capital city always seems to have more things going on, feels more bohemian, seems so much prettier. I walked up to the top of the Sydney Harbour Bridge one (a difficult task since …
Album Review: Dot Dash – Winter Garden Light (plus free “Countdown” download)
This is the sort of music that really pushes my buttons. I’m not saying it’s perfect (sorry guys) but when you put guitars, bass, drums and voice together, give them some licence to be loud, and add in songs with pace and hooks, with a classic indie sensibility at the core, I’m in. This is …

Meet: We chat with Mazes ahead of their new album and European tour dates
My mate once won tickets to a band on Manchester’s GLR. That band was Suicidal Tendancies, they of legendary hardcore metal infamy (they were promoting the track ‘Feel like shit, de ja vu, at the time) I sort of knew this, but when I raised this with said mate, he said they were like the …

Meet: Life in Film – Interview plus May Tour Dates
Recently I got dumped. I’d not been seeing him very long so I certainly wasn’t heartbroken but nobody likes being rejected so I allowed myself a 48 hour wallowing period. This involved some tears, a couple of ill-advised abusive text messages, nurofen and a lot of wine. It also involved much skipping on my MP3 …

EP: Good Graeff release new EP of gorgeous indie folk – Better Half
You know what they say about dogs being like their owners, well that was the same for music students where I went to University, and I suspect it was (and is) the same everywhere. There was us, the brass players. Loud, brash, heavy drinking animals who arrived in college purely to find people to go …

Album Review: Foreign Talks – Foreign Talks
Here it is then*, the album you have all been waiting for: Foreign Talks‘ debut LP. The Portland, Oregon four-piece have delivered a tight, 10-song set that barely breaks 30 minutes in length. Replete with deft instrumentation, four-part harmonies, spacious production that transports us into the breezy open-air, and copious confidence, this is a compelling …