Posts in tag


Album Review: The Jesus and Mary Chain reveal their stunning ‘Glasgow Eyes’ – an intoxicating mix of swagger and attitude with just a hint of reflection.

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Music New: The Breeders announce 30th Anniversary UK Tour of Last Splash LP

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Album Review: The Fall – The Real New Fall LP (Formerly Country On The Click) 20th anniversary reissue

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The early 90’s were a personal feast of ‘Rock n Roll’ music in my life. Things were good… very good indeed. I still had hair. The children were the right age to palm off on the grandparents and the proliferation of quality guitar music was at its height. This was Brit Pop indie heaven and …

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How many times do you see people get the most terrible leaving presents. At a place I once worked, one of my (male) colleagues left to work nearer his home, and they bought him some tableware. This was a bloke who was well into six feet tall, lived in Barnsley and played bass in a …

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It must have been the Sea, Sun, Sangria and what have you, but I once went to Mallorca on holiday and bought a watch. I say it must have been the aforementioned because I knew it wasn’t a real Tag Hauer one, on account of it being sold to me by a tall, dark, but …

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  Most people remember the time they heard ‘the’ album – the one that became their moment of musical epiphany. And most people also remember the first time they fell in love. Mine were one and the same. 1993, I was an awkward 13-year-old with a record collection that was pretty much made up entirely …

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A lot of sports teams celebrate their greatest ever player by retiring their number. Pittsburgh Steelers retired the number 70 shirt in honour of Ernie Stautner, the Green Bay Packers did the same for  Paul Hornung’s number 5  shirt,  Shaquille O’Neal‘s #34 shirt hasn’t been used again at the Lakers, and Paulo Maldini‘s number 3 shirt will retire with …

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When I was a student, I had a brief (roundabout a month I think it was) romantic liaison with one of the most beautiful girls I had met, up to that point. She was a half Italian, part-time model, and just for those few brief weeks I became her Lyle Lovett, and she my Julia Roberts (youngsters, …

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Everyone likes a decent holiday, don’t they. Me, I love visiting places- it’s just the getting there that bothers me. You see, I’m scared of flying. Not just scared though, like properly terrified. I have to go to America sometimes, and in the weeks running up to it, I can barely sleep, become sullen and irritable, in …

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I love getting something for free. Especially when its good. At various points in everyone’s life you get those occasions when luck smiles on you and something comes your way. It’s even better when it’s not expected. Like the time a friend of mine gave me a box of (with one or two exceptions) great …

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I think I was about 13 or 14 when I discovered the ‘carry on’ films. I remember, I think maybe my mother was working late, and I happened upon it. I think in those simple days of four channels you could still find a good ‘carry on’  most nights, if you looked hard enough (altogether …

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I’ve done a few things over the years that have absolutely terrified me, like asking a good friend of mine if she wanted to be more than that, in a bar full of drunken friends all cheering and jeering me on. After doing that I reckon I could face down a hungry lion with a …

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