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indie videos

See: I Like Trains Share Video For Next Single ‘Dig In’

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I sometimes wonder why they have buttons on remote controls that allow you to change channels, switch it on or off etc. Why? Because it would appear that some people don’t think you are capable of making that judgement for yourself. People such as MTV who have decided for you that the new video from …

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The far West coast of Canada, especially Vancouver, is home to a massive DIY scene, that has been popping out some great little bands for the past ten years or so; White Lung, Shearing Pinx & Nu Sensae are at least three that you should take the time to check out – but before you …

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I am an unabashed fan of The Horrors and already enthusiastically reviewed the first release off their much anticipated fourth album “Luminous”, the seven minute long epic “I See You“. The Horrors have now released a new video for another song off the new album,  called “So Now You Know”, a visual epic filmed in a deserted …

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Is been three years since The Antlers much admired long player Burst Apart showed that the band could produce some of the most sparkling and beautiful alt-indie music around. Originally a solo project for Peter Silberman in 2006, which spawned a couple of bedroom produced albums before enlisting Darby Cicci and Michael Lerner, and recording …

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Dublin’s Able Archer, aka Emmet McCaughey, Rob McDonnell, Diarmuid Breathnach, Sean O’Connor and Neil Buckley first attracted our attention with their Bullets EP, with their forceful indie/alt rock and their winning tunes enough for us to stick our hats on them to make it big. Their second, as yet unnamed EP is due out this …

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This was a very, very nice surprise. Black Submarine, previously known as The Black Ships until mid-2012, were formed in November 2008 by former Verve members Nick McCabe and Simon Jones, Coldplay/Goldfrapp collaborator Davide Rossi, singer Amelia Tucker and drummer Mig Schillace. Quite an illustrious lineage. And does the sum total of the parts amount …

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Here’s one to watch for 2014. LSA apparently stands for Love Stays Alive, but instead of peddling some kind of all girl delicate folk their name suggests, instead they play, or so it would seem after listening to their track No Good Man, this sort of jagged shoegazey indie rock, which nods towards Britpop at …

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If ‘Play Dumb’ was written to provoke a conversation, then it certainly succeeded in my eyes. The premier single on The Crookes third album, Soapbox, offers an interesting dichotomy of prettiness and intelligence, sincerity and lies, superficial attraction and dark secrets. The anguish in singer George Waite’s eyes seems all too real as he is …

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King Krule videos have always nosedived into the surreal. ‘Rock Bottom’ s visual accompaniment transfigured the desolation-induced lyrics into a beautifully contorted mess of Lynchian, Kafkaesque and beat generation reference work, with sparse industrial landscapes, cockroach wallpapers, black lodge diners, cactus women and a pack of brutish ‘city boys’ summoning a real sense of dread, …

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Sometimes a break up makes you stronger, however hard it might feel at the time. That seems to have been the case for Brighton-born, London-based singer songwriter Karen Anne, aka Girl Called Johnny. But it wasn’t a romantic liaison that bit the dust, it was her former band Ramona. After forming a band, there was …

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