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Album review: New Bums – ‘Last Time I Saw Grace’: Ben and Donovan reveal an unexpected treat

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SHE’S already being touted in certain quarters of the music press as the first big thing of 2022. which seems quite an epithet to carry given we’re not even there yet; but on the strength of LA bedroom pop songwriter Alyssa Gengos’ second single “Gothenburg English”, out now, you’d be a foolish man to bet …

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FRESH from a whole buncha dates criss-crossing the States in the company of Modest Mouse, Philadelphia’s cutely noisy foursome Empath have got all the feels extended for a new album. That album is entitled simply Visitor, and will be out just short of Valentine’s day next year on Fat Possum. Need more precision with your …

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DUQUETTE JOHNSTON is a name that, if you’re a deep connoisseur of the US indie scene you’ll recall in association with one of those band whose star lit, arced, sputtered a little too soon, sadly; almost famous. Gah. That band was Verbena, who came, released three albums of grand, dirtily low-slung, well-honed indie-stoner rock. They …

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NONE gigs; none proper studio time; none nothing, except, perhaps, as Big Black once memorably put it, to “sit around home, stare at the walls / Stare at the walls and stare at each other.” It’s a tale we’ve heard oft told since the virus got tough, got going. What was a committed, lifer musician …

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MY THOUGH, he’s quite the singular talent, Benjamin Lazar Davis, isn’t he? The multi-instrumentalist and composer (look, these tunes are so much more than plain written), whose day job sees him locking down the tunes with Okkervil River and Cuddle Magic, besides working with Lip Talk, Joan as Police Woman, &c &c, is to release …

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ONE of the best bands you’ll ever commune with live should you get the chance, Spiritualized, are set to return in 2022 with a new album, Everything Was Beautiful, due for release in February on Bella Union. It’ll be their first in nearly four years (since 2018’s And Nothing Hurt). They’ve also dropped a first …

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QUEENS, New York’s The Forms have been on sabbatical for, well, quite a while now, it’s fair to say. Their last album, Derealization, came out on fellow Five Boroughs label Threespheres a whole decade ago now, and proved the last of a run of three; since when, nada, until recent singles “Head Underwater”, crunchy and …

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LOGAN LYNN, Portland, Oregon’s so-much-loved songwriter, producer, filmmaker, and activist, who – casting your mind back to the far-off days of high summer here, took Gossip’s “Standing In The Way Of Control” out for a delicious and valedictory spin into the cosmos in the company of Bitch, has today revealed a heart’s arrow-sweet new single, …

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ALL HALLOWS’ EVE beckons, yer common or garden Hallowe’en: the evening when spirits roam abroad as the year tips towards dark and the good and wary and chaste huddle round the fire. Día de los Muertos, the Mexican Day of the Dead, ain’t far off either – just a day or two away. The timing …

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EMERGING from the scene down in Tucson, Arizona, when singer Bella Vanek, guitarist Bailey Moses, bassist Matt Vanek, and drummer Adam Bucholz got together and began to move in musical lockstep they knew they had something beautifully, caustically special. They named themselves Foxx Bodies, and they brought caustic six-stringed catharsis out to the wider world. …

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