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indie rock

Music News: Grebo gurus Pop Will Eat Itself announce London & Manchester shows.

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Just when I thought I’d figured out ‘Ultra Cultura’, the new album by Select All Delete Save As, it continued to throw curveballs left, right and centre. Constantly exciting, always involving and brilliantly put together this is an album that makes each listen rewarding for multiple reasons. Achieving that is one thing but making this …

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Oh Jack White you little tease, you. Everybody knows that he is a man who, when he touches things, they turn to gold. He’s released a little bit of the shiny stuff from his forthcoming album, Lazaretto out on his own Third Man Records on June 9th I the shape of a instrumental track, High …

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Just imagine what rock music over the last 25 years would have been without the influence of Pixies. Few bands have had the all-infusing influence that Pixies have demonstrated and fewer can claim to have had a direct impact on two of the biggest rock acts of a generation. Indeed, both Nirvana and Radiohead are/were …

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Since we last wrote about Broken Hands it’s all been going a little bit crazy. A few weeks back their single, ‘No One Left To Meet’, started getting loads of airplay on BBC Radio 1 via their Introducing Playlist. Championed by the likes of Fearne Cotton, Greg James, Scott Mills, and Huw Stevens, it must …

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It doesn’t seem two minutes since fresh faced Scottish indie rockers The Twilight Sad released their debut album Fourteen Autumns & Fifteen Winters. Taking their name from Wilfred Owens ‘The War Poems’ (sleep mothered them; and left the twilight sad) there was always something dark and emotional about the band. Fourteen Autumns and Fifteen Winters …

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The Devil has all the best tunes, so William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army reckoned. So, he stole some of the best ones and had more appropriate words composed to go alongside them. At least, that’s what Google informed me, so hey, go speak to them if it isn’t true. Coming out of …

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I seem to remember Editors arose in the slipstream of Interpol when there was a sudden burst of pseudo-Joy Division/Goth-lite bands (whose alumni also included White Lies). In my view, despite Interpol’s stunning debit (Turn on the Bright Lights), Editors have proven themselves to be a far more consistently creative band in the intervening time, …

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“You might not even wake up tomorrow, so you might as well experience everything right f##king now.” Apparently this is the new dictum that Blood Red Shoes are living to. By their own admission they have spent far too much time focusing on negative elements and are adopting a more gung-ho approach to life. Not …

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Recently on 6Music, Steve Lamacq asked for suggestions of near misses by obscure 90s indie bands to play on his show. On the whole the suggestions were rather prosaic and uninspiring until one lady suggested they play some Cud. This wasn’t just a mild-mannered ‘hey, remember these guys?’ request, this was a full-on obsessive fan …

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  Darlia – Leadmill, Sheffield, 24 January 2014. Thankfully, the highly amusing if somewhat, over enthusiastic member of the audience that had entertained us, whilst distracting support act LSA, had crashed, burned and left the building well before Dick Dale’s Misirlou came over the PA, as we welcomed Darlia to the stage. Right from the …

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