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indie rock

Music News: Grebo gurus Pop Will Eat Itself announce London & Manchester shows.

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Sirens call out the new song from Hull trio Cannibal Animal until rhythmic drumming and a fraught, frantic utterly filthy bass line start off proceedings. Previous track ‘Pavement Jungle’ set out their intentions early on, as chainsaw guitars ripped through a sleazy rhythm section it redefined New Wave sensibilities marking them out as ones to …

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Dublin alt-rockers Spies have followed up last years much admired Moosehead single with a new forthcoming EP, titled Sea Creature. Ahead of its release the band are streaming the EP’s title track. The track opens with these stark sounding guitars and pianos over a shuffling drum line. There’s something slightly dark and brooding about the …

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Reinvention of the self in the music world is nothing new.  It’s been done, ad infinitum. Lennon, Bowie, Bono and Beyonce have all adopted alter egos at some stage in their careers. Reasons vary, as do results. Blur’s Damon Albarn was the unmistakable voice behind Gorillaz’ frontman “2D”, an inspired direction for Albarn heralding a …

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The Dodos have been doing their thing now for a few years. It seems like we’ve gone from their 2008 album Visiter to their new album Individ in the blink of an eye. I know that’s not the case, as Meric Long and Logan Kroeber have put out some truly great music in the years that followed that defining 2008 …

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Following in a (increasingly) long line of duo’s from the steel city, come singer/guitarist Ben Thompson and drummer Lew Currie, aka Nai Harvest. If you heard last years Buttercups single, or Hold Open Your Head EP, you’ll know that they’re equally at home making indie rock, garage punk and feedback laden-grunge, the pair are back …

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Looking back on the musical history of the fair city of Leicester, its littered with nearlys and almosts and perhaps’ (Crazyhead, Diesel Park West, Delicatessen anyone?), excluding Kasabian (of course), Englebert Humperdink and Showaddywaddy. Being from (near) the city myself, we like to have something to hang our hats on. So I listened with a …

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360 Club The Library Woodhouse Lane Leeds, LS2 3AP 13th December 2015 20:00 to 23:45 A night of Rock was promised with local talent, four Leeds bands. Lost in Olympus, Into the Diode, King Nothing and All I live for. It was a hectic night in Leeds, pretty much everywhere had live music on.  The early crowd …

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Think back to the first time you heard your favourite band. You could probably tell in a few heartbeats that you were going to like them, and before the first song had ended, you were in love and wanted more. Well get ready, because if you haven’t yet, you’re about to meet your next favourite …

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  Menace Beach are the lovechild of Leeds duo Ryan Needham and Liza Violet, who since their inception have been cruising round town picking up members from other bands to create their eagerly awaited debut album ‘Ratworld’.  Current line-up consists of Liza, Ryan and Matt Spalding, Nestor Matthews and Matthew ‘MJ’ Johnson from Hookworms.  Together …

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It was 1996, and I was in the Lake District for a summer holiday with a friend’s family; music was key in-car entertainment and one of the principal tapes in the stereo of that lovely old red Volvo 240 estate was a selection of live cuts from Radio 1’s Mark and Lard show. At the …

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