Posts in tag

Indie pop

Album Review: Impulsive Hearts – Cry All The Time

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Track: Requin – ‘Rules That Won’t Be Broken’

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EP: Margot – Margotzeko

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Sometimes, you hear quite by accident a track that literally bowls you away. That happened to me a couple of weeks ago when I was trawling various social media sites to find something new and good to listen to. I can’t quite remember now how I came across ‘Barcodes’ by Oslo based Making Marks, but …

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Both me and my brother went through a period of waiting furtively for the postman to deliver these plain brown packages, which we ripped open and almost tore the plastic covering off to get to the good stuff inside. And no, it wasn’t what you’re thinking. These were singles from a small Bristol based record company, …

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It started with The Smiths. When I first heard them, I began to doubt whether I would ever love a band any more than that. After that, I started to buy these bands who had records that came out in plastic sleeves, and made flexi-disc and things, and were on labels like Sarah, and Subway …

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I think I was about 13 or 14 when I discovered the ‘carry on’ films. I remember, I think maybe my mother was working late, and I happened upon it. I think in those simple days of four channels you could still find a good ‘carry on’  most nights, if you looked hard enough (altogether …

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