
Blu-Ray Review: Ghosts of Mars
Even before Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first men to walk on the Moon, humans have been looking to the stars. The 1950s became boom time for sci-fi cinema as writers and directors captured the imagination of an entire generation. The Forbidden Planet, War of the Worlds, Invasion of the Body Snatchers and …

DVD Review: Happy Birthday To Me
Teenage girls have it rough. Not only are their bodies undergoing a series of strange and unsettling changes, there’s the added media pressure of body image and (often unwanted) attention from boys. By far the scariest challenge is their peers. Cinema has tackled this is many way, most memorably in Mean Girls, Carrie, and The …

Blu-Ray Review: Body Double
There are very few American directors still working in Hollywood today who are held in the same reverence and regard as Brian De Palma. He first emerged in the American New Wave, along with the likes of Spielberg, Lucas and Coppola, but his career has had a very singular trajectory. Films such as Scarface, Carrie, …

Blu-ray Review: Christine
The American love affair with the motor car is one which always endures. Ever since Henry Ford revolutionised the manufacturing process, owning one has been an integral part of achieving the American dream. Cars have also made an impression on our television screens, with Herbie and KITT helping make the world a safer place. However, …