Heist or Hit Records

LIVE REVIEW: Eades / Midnight Ambulance / ur.frnd – Sneaky Petes, Edinburgh 08.08.2022
Independent Grassroots Music Venues, you have to love them especially when the bands they host provide such great nights. Sneaky Petes in Edinburgh presented a night of pure fun away from the mayhem of the August Festivals. Eades headlined to create the mayhem inside instead…..and all on a Monday night! An almost sell-out venue saw …

Interview: We meet Tungz On lockdown, Bristol and new single Go Out
An exclusive interview with Tungz in support of new single GO OUT out now from Heist of Hit Records What was the inspiration for the song GO OUT? It was written at a time when we were very unsettled moving from place to place a lot. We were also spending quite a lot of time …

New Single and Live News – High Hazels
We love the High Hazels here at Backseat Mafia and have covered their progress with great interest in a number of features over the past year or so. Therefore, we’re really pleased to let you know about their new single and some live news. Today the Sheffield four-piece have announced the next single from their album will be …