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Glasgow Film Festival

Alma and Margot

While we can’t choose our family, we can decide who we want to spend our time with. In this sense, close friendships are often stronger than blood ties. They have to be. Your family is always your family, no matter what, but people come and go over a lifetime. However, when there’s a special platonic …

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A mother takes on the gangs

Mexico has many social, economic and political problems but one of the most pernicious and devastating is that of kidnappings. It has been an ongoing problem, but one which has increased markedly since the start of the century. Criminal gangs began abducting in greater numbers to raise funds through ransoms, but many victims are never …

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Adam and Anna

White European privileged is often understated, it’s hard to accurately quantify the benefits and entitlements afforded by dint of birth. One is tourism. We love to travel. To experience a different culture/climate and place all our daily worries on hold for a week or two. Everything has to be prefect. There’s little or no thought …

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the children sat outside

Although the concept of leaving your family to earn a living elsewhere will be alien to many in the Western world, it’s a daily reality for countless people in poorer parts of the world. It’s usually men who move to the cities, either within the country or abroad, while the mother is left behind with …

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Marie at work

Often described as the oldest profession in the world, prostitution has been viewed and treated very differently throughout the ages. Today, in some places it has now been legalised. Affording sex workers a level of protection and legality that they’ve rarely seen. Taking the business off the streets and providing a safe space to operate. …

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Isaac and his cast

While everyone has heard of Hollywood and Bollywood, much, much less is known about the smaller film industries around the world. Indeed, the whole continent of Africa is often forgotten. Overlooked for many reasons, not least due to the lack of structure, financial and government support in most countries. Uganda has one of the most …

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Traditionally, films made within Britain, or even in the British Isles, are filmed in English. The logic being that they will be easier to sell to UK and international markets, there’s a much better chance of financing and almost everyone domestically speaks the language. Thankfully, we’re starting to see more productions made in other native …

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All people are born equal. It’s a nice sentiment but ludicrous to believe that it’s actually true in practice. Where you’re born in the world makes a huge difference to your life prospects. What standard of living you can expect. Your life expectancy. Then there’s the socio-economic level of your family, which dictates the opportunities …

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festival poster

Glasgow Film Festival returns to Scotland’s biggest city between 2-13 March at Glasgow Film Theatre and Cineworld Renfrew Street, as well as partner cinemas across the UK and online. This year the festival will host 10 world premières, 4 European premieres and a whopping 64 UK premières. Diversity is at the heart of the 2022 …

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After the end of Korean War, it took a while for the South to get back on its feet. While the country made great steps forward both economically and technologically in the subsequent decades, it has repeatedly flirted with oppressive and authoritarian regimes. During the presidency of Park Chung-hee, who first came to power in …

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