Fat Freddy’s Drop

Track: Fat Freddy’s Drop’s Clean the house available on free download
Damn those free offers. There’s always, always a catch. It’s those term and conditions that always do it. You know the bit that says, to the effect of – when it says free, what it means is free when you’ve spent about half your monthly wages on our other (slightly less well selling) stuff. Or …

See: Fat Freddys Drop – Clean the House Video
It’s difficult when writing about Fat Freddy’s Drop to pigeonhole them. Their music takes so many twists and turns and draw in so many thinks that it constantly messes with your mind. (well, it constantly messes with my mind, anyway) This seven-headed soul monster (before you think how brilliant that is, it’s how they describe …

Track: Fat Freddys Drop – Blackbird & the album release show
We have this cleaner. Don’t get me wrong, we’re not one of those rich families that mention to everyone that they’ve got a cleaner because that means we must therefore be middle class. We actually need a cleaner. I seem to have bred (and I know they’ll be some argument about this) two of the …