Evans The Death

Meet: Evans the Death, and listen to ‘Suitcase Jimmy’
Having just released their 3rd album ‘Vanilla’ through the ever reliable Foruna POP!, Evans The Death were kind enough to provide us the following interview. Days before setting off for UK tour, and just a few hours before BREXIT, here’s what they have to say. Enjoy! So let’s begin with the obvious question! Why did …

Track: Evans the Death – Suitcase Jimmy, plus UK tour dates
Dan Moss, guitarist of London five piece Evans the Death, explains the origins of their newly shared track Suitcase Jimmy, as “We owe the title to our friend Carolina – I was hanging out with her by the river one day and we saw this guy just strutting along with his suitcase, and she said …

Track: Evans The Death – Expect Delays
It seems appropriate that I’m writing this on the day of a tube strike in London. Evans The Death guitarist Dan Moss sums up the lyrics of their new single Expect Delays, the title track from their second album, saying “It’s about people failing to connect with each other. It’s a good soundtrack to travelling …