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Album Review: Slow Readers Club Release Anthemic 6th LP “Knowledge Freedom Power”

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Album Review: YELLO – Point

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In my youth, the free time I spent, my simple pleasures, weren’t really ever that simple. To buy every vinyl release on Factory records, (if anyone has Quando Quango 12inches and early Durutti Column albums do contact me though….) watch every Jean-Claude Van-Damme movie (like I said, I was young) and to visit every professional and semi-professional football club in the country. …

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Given its slightly dark imagery, and menacing title, it’s rather a surprise that Thom Yorke and (new) friends have made an album that, while having its moments of doubt and even sadness, is largely an upbeat listen. With a line-up that includes flea of the chili peppers amongst other, suspicions that he would make (I say he because this definitely …

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I have this little seven-year old girl at home, and when she is not watching Scooby-Doo or arguing with her mother about brushing her hair, she is doing craft things. Paper, cartons, wrapping materials, glue and scissors are valuable commodities in our house because as soon as they are left for more than a matter …

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They told us we didn’t have many lectures on my music degree because we needed time to immerse ourselves in music, and that we needed three hours practise time per day. In our college there was this mystical place of dreams, and (more pertinently) scores, and books and records (yes, records) and CD’s. And when …

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They told us we didn’t have many lectures on my music degree because we needed time to immerse ourselves in music, and that we needed three hours practise time per day. In our college there was this mystical place of dreams, and (more pertinently) scores, and books and records (yes, records) and CD’s. And when …

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I hate that word you hear people use sometimes  ‘chill-ax’. What need is there, ever, to put two words together that essentially mean the same thing. I’m quite prepared to chill-out at any given chance, or indeed relax. Or do one of them and describe it as the other. That’s the kind of live for …

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Everything was always about the start, as far as my P.E. teacher was concerned at secondary school. I forget his real name, but like all P.E. teachers, and probably most teachers in general he had a nickname; Fade. This was because (and remember this was the 80’s by the way) if we dared to forget …

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Everyone likes a decent holiday, don’t they. Me, I love visiting places- it’s just the getting there that bothers me. You see, I’m scared of flying. Not just scared though, like properly terrified. I have to go to America sometimes, and in the weeks running up to it, I can barely sleep, become sullen and irritable, in …

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It’s not long since we wrote about the Pyyramids (in fact it’s here) but two things have become apparent since I did. a) they are brilliant, and b) they have released a new track to the public in support of their forthcoming debut album ‘Brightest Darkest Day’, which is released in the UK on the 15th April. It …

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