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east of reno

East of Reno have released their brand new single ‘Open Door’. The band are set to share their debut self titled E.P later this year. The band states: “In an age of entitlement and plenty what more could a man ask for? Everything, it seems. Ananthem for the commitment-a-phobe in your life, but hopefully not …

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East of Reno have released their debut single ‘Brothers’ a drunken tale filled with southern harmonies and thunderous glee. Their debut EP is scheduled for release in early 2024. The band state: “Full of hope for a fresh start in a brave new world, the mood sours as the narrator thinly veilstheir world-weariness as a …

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Give us a potted history of the band Formed from the ashes of a band called Harry Oakwood & The Millionaires over ten years ago, we’ve been writing and recording as a labour of love whenever we can ever since, finding the perfect line-up and building to this first release. Two songs remain from the …

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