Colin Moulding

Meet: Is this Pop? Colin Moulding (XTC) has a chat about his new single, the old stuff and the secret to writing pop songs
It’s been over 3 years since ex XTC singer/bass player Colin Moulding teamed up with ex-XTC drummer Terry Chambers under the moniker TC&I to record the brilliant EP ‘Great Aspirations’ and the follow up live album ‘Naked Flames: Live at Swindon Arts Centre’. Moulding of course wrote some of XTC’s most iconic pop songs including “Making Plans For Nigel’, …

See: Colin Moulding (XTC) releases sumptuous new video for title track of his new mini EP ‘The Hardest Battle’.
After recently surprising us with his first solo debut, Colin Moulding (see my review here) has issued a video for the title track of the EP/single ‘The Hardest Battle’ The video is nothing short of spectacular with the sort of majestic pomp and circumstance you would expect from the former XTC singer/bass player. I wrote …

News: Colin Moulding (XTC) announces release of his first solo CD – the delightfully pastoral pop of ‘The Hardest Battle’
It’s been over 3 years since ex XTC singer/bass player Colin Moulding teamed up with ex-XTC drummer Terry Chambers under the moniker TC&I to record the brilliant EP ‘Great Aspirations’ and the follow up live album ‘Naked Flames: Live at Swindon Arts Centre’. I interviewed Colin back in 2018 about his return to music – …

Album Review: TC&I – Naked Flames – Live at Swindon Arts Centre
Well this is a delightful surprise. After the release of TC&I‘s welcome ‘Great Aspirations’ EP last year there were murmurings that the project was finished for the moment following some well received gigs last year. It now seems these gigs were recorded, and ‘Naked Flames’ is the result. TC&I is, on record, the legendary Colin …