bueno bueno sounds

Premiere: Darcy Kate exclusively unveils her exquisite slow burning and yearning album ‘Wanderer’ and announced launch gig.
We are very pleased to provide an exclusive early listen to the new album ‘Wanderer’ from Queensland’s Darcy Kate. With a voice of smoky velvet and a slow burning sparkle to the sound, Kate is a prodigious talent: her songwriting is melodic and tinted with a touch of melancholia and her voice glides and floats …

Album Review: Sunshine Coast’s Swimsuit Issue reveal their true magnificence with their sterling debut ‘Burn for the Buzz’
It was only back in March that I was first introduced to Swimsuit Issue through their atomic blast of a debut single ‘Addict’. However impressive this debut was, it didn’t portend the incredible sonic versatility this band has within its canon. Indeed, there was much more to come over a series of singles that have …

Premiere: The Immigrants from Sydney set sail with a cathartic hard rock blast on ‘Saturday Night’
The Immigrants from Sydney don’t believe in a delicacy of approach: their new single ‘Saturday Night’ has all the power and presence of a battering ram and the very cathartic aural impact of thundering guitars and growling, whiskey-soaked vocals. Who needs nuanced delicacy when you can just rock. We are very pleased to premiere this …